Catering Events

Yes, Rollin’ Gelato caters events.  Currently we bring a mobile freezer and serve our gelato in pre-packaged 4-ounce biodegradable containers.  We can either be at the event handing out the gelato and talking about the process of making the gelato. In this case, we can either bring the RG VW Bus or RG VW Bug (depending on space availability at the event). Or we can drop a Rollin’ Gelato freezer off that is full of gelato, and then pick up the gelato after your event is over.


  • A self-contained Rollin’ Gelato freezer of gelato — $2 per 4-ounce gelato cups.  You are charged for how many containers you order and which will be brought to your event in the Rollin’ Gelato freezer (not what is consumed).  A minimum order of 75 cups, and a minimum deposit of $150.
  • A Rollin’ Gelato representative serving the gelato — $20 / hour, plus $2 per 4-ounce container. You are charged the actual number of cups provided at the event.  A minimum of 75 cups, and a minimum deposit of $150.

* During off-season, if we are in town, we can do catering events; however, there will be an “off-season” charge per cup of $0.50 as we are not fully operational during our off-season, and thus have to make exceptions to handle the event.

[ view more info about the mobile freezers ]

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